Application Architecture Mapping
Application architecture mapping is the process of uncovering and identifying the interactions and interdependencies between application components and their fundamental hardware infrastructure.
Inspect, map and define the legacy application architecture for modernization planning and level of effort estimation.
- Collect a snapshot of all application files and key characteristics
- Capture control flow for each entry point
- Categorize application components based on complexity
- Show all entry points and lines of code, number of connections, and dependencies
- Show how different application components are connected to each entry point and with each other
- Show dependencies between different components
- Visualize incoming and outgoing references for a program
- Understand all CRUD operations in an application and identify data source types
- Examine data source and layout detail including procedures, programs, datasets, and dataset attributes
- Explore data set mappings by application program, as well as the dataset layout
Select a modernization plan based on the legacy application inventory, architecture and complexity. Estimate the level of effort, skillsets, and resources required for that strategy.
- Identify application components that need to be added, removed, or migrated based on business function priority
- Prioritize application components based on key statistics, such as percentage of dead code and data operations
- Determine which programs and subprograms comprise the application
- Estimate timeline and resources needed to modernize specific application components
- Determine which application entry points have the most source code, business logic, CRUD, and complexity
- Identify the most referenced application components
- Perform a functional impact analysis and understand the effect of application change on a select business process or activity
- Document program depth, dependencies, and use of data sources
- Determine the location of variable translations and their impact
- Locate all programs referenced by a data source, data sources referenced by a program, and related data operations
Next Step
Leverage AveriSource Discover’s built-in reports and guidance to assess risk, complexity and effort. Identify key areas of focus within the application codebase for deeper analysis and documentation. Leverage AveriSource Analyze to expand application analysis and target business rules for extraction.

Platform Reports Used
- All AveriSource Inventory and AveriSource Discover reports
- Application Overview
- Complexity Analysis
- Clusters
- Connections
- Dependencies
- Program Overview
- Data Operations
- Data Source Usage
- External Source Details
- Data Source Files Map
- Data Source Structures Map