Application Maintenance & Optimization
Application maintenance and optimization is the process of continually updating, modifying, and reassessing software applications to improve performance and correct faults. Modifying and implementing new strategies is critical to successfully maintaining operations and staying competitive in today's market.

Maintain and optimize legacy code to support continued operations, future rewrite, or re-engineering modernization strategy. Visualize how application components are connected to each entry point and with each other.
- Examine dependencies between components for selected entry points
- Captures each STEP, procedures or programs invoked in each STEP, datasets, dataset attributes like length, type, logical and physical dataset names linked to data operations
- Locate the structure or layout of a dataset
- Identify all programs referenced by a data source, as well as all data sources references by a program
Take into account all connections when fixing defects so nothing is missed. Unit test all connected components once defects are fixed. Take into account all dependencies when fixing defects so nothing is missed. Unit test all dependencies once defect is fixed. Take into account input/outputs for enhancing batch processes. Determine where variable translations will have the greatest impact. Take into account which data sources are used by the program when fixing a defect. Unit test to validate defect based on data sources.
Next Step
For applications aligned to a maintenance-only strategy, leverage AveriSource Discover’s built-in reports and guidance to assess needed application change, optimization and testing. For applications aligned to future re-engineering and rewrite, identify key areas of focus within the application codebase for deeper analysis and modernization. Leverage AveriSource Analyze to expand application analysis and target business rules for extraction.
Platform Reports Used
- Connections
- Data Source Usage
- External Source Details
- Data Source Structures Map
- Data Operations
- Dependencies