M&A — Due Diligence & Planning
Major business restructuring events are a perfect time to assess and modernize your enterprise's IT estate. Redundancies and overlap are common in mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures, so it's critical to mitigate IT integration risk throughout the process.
Guide your acquisition strategy by gathering knowledge and understanding of target IT assets. Align your acquisition objectives and priorities to your desired IT estate. Eliminate the cost, time, and risk of IT modernization while creating transaction leverage through deeper understanding of key application assets. Target legacy application assets for complete analysis, inventory, discovery and documentation. Assess and manage risk by evaluating codebase complexity, quality, obsolescence, security, use of open-source libraries, and third-party technology. Classify application componentry, costs, and modernization effort through intuitive, UX-driven dashboards, guidance and reporting. Manage application maintenance and infrastructure costs with greater insights into core dependencies. Meet ongoing IT audit and compliance requirements with auto-generated documentation. Identify existing application architecture limitations and re-engineer for new environments including containerized microservices, Kubernetes, and the cloud. Plan your modernization roadmap within one integrated platform—on the mainframe or in the cloud.
Additional use cases:
- Measure market opportunity and mitigate IT integration risk across all vertical markets and with complete insight and understanding of legacy application assets
- Direct and manage an IT strategy aligned to your business goals and acquisition objectives
- Create leverage within the transaction through added insights into the target acquisition’s IT estate
- Identify and classify the legacy application estate including platforms, languages, and data sources with the highest levels of confidence and accuracy
- Identify what matters and what’s missing and leverage intuitive dashboards, as well as visual reporting to gather needed application artifacts and code
- Assess and manage risk by documenting the legacy application architecture, flow, and functionality across the entire codebase
- Evaluate application complexity, quality, and risk while building the right migration and modernization plan aligned to your M&A strategy
- Prepare mainframe and midrange applications for modernization—in place or in the cloud
Next Step
For post-IT due diligence of existing applications aligned to a maintenance-only strategy, leverage AveriSource Discover's built-in reports and guidance to assess needed application change, optimization, documentation and testing. For applications aligned to future re-engineering, re-architecture and accelerated rewrite, identify key areas of focus within the application codebase for deeper analysis, architecture planning, and modernization. Leverage AveriSource Analyze to deepen application analysis, and target business rules for extraction. Use AveriSource Transform for accelerated application rewrite to Java or C#.

Platform Reports Used
- All AveriSource Inventory and AveriSource Discover reports
- Application Overview
- Complexity Analysis
- Clusters
- Connections
- Dependencies Program Overview
- Data Operations
- Data Source Usage
- External Source Details
- Data Source Files Map
- Data Source Structures Map